AutoBravado's newest and greatest ideas on the Car's or Truck's Miles Per Gallon:

Do you ever wonder whether your coolant or antifreeze should be green or orange? It really doesn't matter, but just don't buy into not changing your coolant for too long, GM destroyed some engines promising that you could go, (what was it?), 5 or 6 thousand miles between changes. Learn more about antifreeze or coolant here: Antifreeze or Coolant, it's the same thing you know.

I recommend going with the idea that you can take up to 12000 miles per antifreeze or coolant change if you want, and expect better performance and maybe not longer engine life, unless you go way too long between antifreeze changes, but then again you might, because it'll help your radiator, your water pump, and the lines stay conditioned without gumming up and letting that engine run hotter, instead of longer. Taking out the longevity of your engine will let it get old and old engines just don't get as good of miles per gallon
Would you like more ideas on the trucks or cars miles per gallon? See, Truck's or Car's Miles per Gallon Don't live your life just going from upgrade to upgrade, and be sure to try one at a time, because even new fluids like antifreeze in your car's or truck's system can make it feel like it's been upgraded. Although, I didn't rival my September cars or trucks miles per gallon record (2009 was poor versus 2008 and 2007 when my vehicle was younger), like I normally did each year with a slight improvement up to 56 miles per gallon (mpg) (now my max is like 42 mpg - when they get old, they just can't do as well. Remember when trying something new to get your truck or car miles per gallon up, that one test never proves a device or procedure is getting you better fuel mileage. Like, I'd modded my car to the point that the Ritz Power Solutions that I liked on the home page of this website, all about the car or truck miles per gallon to that the Ritz Power Solutions wasn't needed any more. You see, I'd applied enough tuning and extra jalopy ideas or grounding wires that evening out the electricals was no longer needed. I gave the Ritz to my truck for a time and saw it run smoother, but as I tuned it up with spark plugs and grounding wires, like the great American jalopies had taught me, it no longer ran as well with it either.

For some things to be right with your car or truck miles per gallon, you just have to have the mechanics fix what's broken. Or, take a new look at the spark plug gap, maybe change your type of spark plug over to a Bosch or NGK spark plug, remembering to take a closer look at the controversial side of the spark plug gap article, which I link to in the spark plug gap words.

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