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Struggling Teen
Struggling Teen and Other Inspired Writings
Friday, 17 April 2009
Struggling Teen plus other inspirational writing
Mood:  sharp
Topic: Struggling Teen

It's been an hour since I've been able to get to this entry, and the additional hour of being into my graveyard has definitely not been good for my chatty mood, which has entirely disappeared. There has been a lot of work with the most troubled, of these struggling teens, but whenever you're involved in a good work, a work that means something, it recharges you, because I've seen the results of what we do here, and these teens truly are getting a leg up in this world.

Many teenagers, students really are on a path of self discovery. What I think may not be the solution, but with my own thoughts and your own thoughts will help those who need to help. See the discussion: struggling teen.

Just I have done so in my last blog, I'll give you an update on my work with the true meaning of Christmas and the New Year's gift. I've considered often and what I should add to my feelings and the over all true meaning of Christmas, and although I don't feel like I've gone any farther forward in this, it's helped keep the most important part of Christmas closer to my heart, the hope, the joy, and the reassurance of Christ's birth. I guess it makes sense, with Easter's additional reminder of Christ, even the end of His life always reminds me of the beginning, which is especially true when it's been Easter recently.

As for the New Year's gift, one of Joyce's closest friends at the Group Home is experiencing denial of it ever happening. She's still sadder than she was, but she's no longer talking about Joyce's passing. When we embrace our grief, face it head-on with courage, it is when we can do the most healing and find what is the truth behind grief such as this: there's just love. Love for who has past away, for how they've given us joy, for the good memories that they have given us, which is what celebrate with the New Year's gift.

Posted by autobravado at 3:16 AM MDT
Updated: Friday, 23 April 2010 7:44 AM MDT
Thursday, 1 January 2009
The True Meaning of Christmas, The New Year's Gift, and for the Struggling Teen

Today (updated 4 May 2010), I published something not about cars, and that may be off of what I'm usually capable of publishing because I'm slow to put my personal life and it's experiences on-line. Even now as I prepare to give up this link, all I really want to do is help you know about my experiments on Acetone in Gasoline with my Auto Bravado car and experiments, which always gave more power, usually increased fuel mileage, but occasionally harmed it. Also, I link from here to almost all of my other online work including for Diamond Ranch Academy, a great place to work that changes struggling teens lives.

 Anyway, without further ado learn a little about a dear woman who passed on the day before the New Year, but since her family came to the Group Home and did so much for us all, I dedicated a new website in her and her families honor: The New Year's Gift.

 If you need a little joy after that one or don't feel the need to share in painful, but beautiful memories try something more up beat that I just got started on last Christmas: The True Meaning of Christmas. Though for availability, I had to go with the website with the word a to start instead of the, which would be totally unacceptable if I was trying to market an e-biz, but since I'm trying instead to market for traffic to change lives, it'll be okay!

01/25/2009: added to original entry

 I can't even imagine or comprehend how much good I'm involved in working for Diamond Ranch Academy. I have less direct impact then day staff who work with the struggling teens day in and day out, but as the data entry guy for entering the students citations day by day I get to see a sampling of progress on students throughout the campus. The simply obedient ones may not always get noticed by these citations, but the teenagers who truly are struggling who get cited for making some bad choices can slowly be seen to get less citations as they learn to get along and before you know it, you see a student getting PC's, which out of code form means they're getting credit because they were an overachiever in some way. When I do interact with the students I have to be a part of the structure and discipline so they don't forget themselves, but any chance I get, I'm trying to build them up with kindness and noticing what they do well. I love the work that Diamond Ranch Academy represents, and I encourage you if you have a troubled teen to take a look at the official website, or if you aren't a struggling teen or someone who has one, maybe you can do something to help: Struggling Teen. One of the directories helping me spread the word for the struggling teen is here: Directory Plus.

 Back to my usual publishing on the first of this year, which is based on this concept: We all want better car or truck miles per gallon, but do we really know how to get it? Auto Bravado has always looked at fuel mileage as a challenge: man vs. machine.

 How does Acetone in Gasoline work?

 A more plausible theory to me is the change in surface tension. You see, your fuel injectors have to break the surface tension of your gas, mix it with air and turn it into as fine a spray as possible. The old carbureted fuel guzzling car's would pour and not spray the gas in. The easier it is to break the surface tension, the easier it is to cause the air/fuel mixture to go into a spray. This is what acetone in gasoline accomplishes.

Get Acetone in Gasoline now to improve your car's or truck's miles per gallon. or read more about it at my main Auto Bravado website with it's newest article: Acetone in Gasoline.

Posted by autobravado at 8:25 PM MST
Updated: Tuesday, 4 May 2010 11:56 AM MDT

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